Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Look At Eva Green Beautiful Face

Eva Green Beautiful FaceEva Green Beautiful Face
Previously, there were some awesome statement to describe the charm which is owned by Eva Gaëlle Green. Vogue noted that Eva Green has the killer looks, intelligence and modesty. Meanwhile, the Independent describes Eva Green as the gothic, quirky, and sexy. These statements become quite reasonable if We recall the role of Eva Green as Princess Sibylla of Jerusalem in Kingdom of Heaven.

In that film, She really shows her modest beautiful face. And no wonder if Eva Green is placed on Rank No.1 in Les plus belles femmes en France on a website. Apparently, many French people are so fond of her modest facial beauty that radiates from her blue eyes. And when Eva Green's blue eyes combined with the dark shades of her mascara, it becomes more perfect.

Eva Green is a beautiful-looking woman who likes dyed black hair, look at the lower picture above, albeit with a hairstyle that can be told by ordinary people as pretty weird, but the beauty of her face remains just amazing.

Her lips color that looks fresh and not wilted, nose shape with straight bone that looks very proportional to its face, somewhat dimple on her chin, and cheeks that looked no swelling for her jaw bandaged, all making the facial beauty of Eva Green is really classy.

Image sources: Eva Green at the BAFTA at the Royal Opera House in London on Wikimedia, and Eva Green at the Orange British Academy Film Awards in London's Royal Opera House on Wikimedia, all authorized by Caroline Bonarde Ucci.


  1. I really like Eva Green, she personification of beauty for me. Perfect proportions and symmetry, she is perfect for the role of princess in the ancient world.

  2. She's really beautiful...

  3. She is pretty, a bit awkward looking at first glance, not model victoria secret beauty queen standards BUT that being said, minor asthetic flaws aside, Eva has a unique charm and raw sexuality that just oozes from her, from her intense eyes, the way she carries herself, an almost untangible rare something this woman just has that will carry on well into her later years. She doesn't need surgery.


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