Thursday, May 27, 2010

Grace Kelly's Square Face Proves That Oval Is Not The Most Beautiful One

Many people assume that the oval-shaped face is the most beautiful one, with the basic reason, oval-shaped face is perfectly proportioned and symmetrical. This assumption is valid, but it does not mean true in an absolute sense, because the face shape is only an outward dominant element (among many elements) for a beautiful face. This also proves that beautiful face is inherently subjective.

By using an inverse assumption, let us find an answer that proves that the oval face is not the most beautiful. That is, We're looking for a beautiful-faced figure who has an innate facial beauty that is widely recognized by most people in the world. Furthermore, We observe her face. And this beautiful-faced figure is Grace Kelly.
Grace Kelly Square Face Shape
Look at her face above, it is clear that Grace Kelly was not an oval-faced woman. She has a square face, which is in the image above, bounded by a square-rounded green line. Which her face shape, is still remains proportionate and symmetrical.

But why her face to look more beautiful?, There are three factors that have the same essence with the face shape. Namely the eye and its features (eyebrow, eyelash, eyelid and temple), the nose and the lips. Look at how these three factors create and combine the ideal proportions into the Grace Kelly's face shape.

Suppose that the face shape is a puzzle mat that are still empty, it becomes useless is not it?. And three of these factors (or elements), which become useful pieces, which fitted into the puzzle mat in an ideal and proportionate combination to shape a beautiful face. And also, makes its face shape (with its forehead, jaw bones, chin, and cheek bones) to be functioning optimally.

And, if described in detail one by one, those three factors are influenced by its features, which are: thick eyebrows to the eye, a smooth straight bone to shape the nose and arched cupid's bow to shape the lip.

This proves that an oval face is not the most beautiful, and Grace Kelly's square face has described it. A square face is also very likely reflects the Classy impression. Find similar faces on Anja Kling and Emily Deschanel.


  1. Grace Kelly is sooo beautiful...

  2. Oval is best because a tiny jaw is hyper-feminine. It means high estrogen and beauty is a marker of fertility. Oval is always the most exquisite!

    1. I have a "squareish" face and I am very feminine. People are always telling me so. But you know one thing? I still sometimes wish I were oval simply so I could get away with more hairstyles. Also, a "tiny jaw" does not necessarily indicate high estrogen. There are two parts to beauty: symmetry and rarity. The oval face may be more symmetrical but it is also the most common. There are plenty of women with oval faces who are not necessarily highly feminine or considered beautiful. My face shape is rarest. I'm not saying that automatically makes you beautiful- there is so much more to it than face shape. But most importantly, I came across this site while I was looking for hairstyles to fit my face shape and started to feel self-concious about it. I have a problem with low self esteem even though strangers tell me I'm beautiful. And so do many other women. Please don't go and insult a feature someone can't change, as you never know who may read it while they're feeling down. Shame on you.

  3. i think there is no such thing as 'best' because the whole anatomy, proportions & features all must be a part of the equation...not to is subjective!!! having said this, grace kelly is/was magnificent!!!

  4. AnonymousJuly 22, 2013

    Square is the most beautiful by far.

  5. Grace Kelly looked average. She was plain and vanilla, in german you say "spießig".


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