Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How To Make Homemade Mask For Face Skin?

Homemade Facial Mask
All women want to have smooth, soft and chewy facial skin. To be able to realize it, of course, require an extra effort. To treat facial skin continuously, no need to always go to a beauty salon. There are several practical ways, which can be done alone at home.

Below are those ways to make a mask using natural materials or ingredients, which in relative term, can be found around home with ease.

1. Wheat Mask
Use the following ingredients: wheat, honey, yogurt, and mashed almonds. Mix all ingredients into a bowl. Apply on face, wait a few minutes until slightly dry. After that, wash the face with warm water, You will find that your facial skin is more smooth and soft.

2. Chocolate Mask
For daily use, use 3 teaspoons of cocoa powder, 2 teaspoons of honey and three teaspoons of oatmeal powder. Mix all ingredients, then stir evenly. Once formed into a thick cream, smear on your face evenly. After 10-15 minutes, wash with warm water. If this method is applied regularly every day, it will show a marked change on the condition of facial skin.

3. Mask for Dry Skin
For dry skin, try a homemade mask consisting of egg yolk, olive oil and lemon juice. Mix all these ingredients, and stir to produce a form of pasta. Next, apply evenly on face and neck. Once dry, rinse the face using warm water, so that all dirt lifted in order to produce a chewy and soft facial skin.

4. Mask for Oily Skin
Use a mixture of oatmeal and eggs. As usual, just mix these two ingredients, to form a paste. Then, applied it to the face and neck until evenly distributed. Allow to dry, then rinse with warm water.

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