Monday, April 12, 2010

Aishwarya Rai Will Lose Her Eyes And That's Beautiful!

Aishwarya Rai and Her Beautiful Eyes
Why is the face of Aishwarya Rai to look so stunning?, besides She has a perfect face shape, a straight and thick hair that makes her face became visible shade, She also has the basic element that significantly influence much on her facial beauty, it's Aishwarya Rai eyes.

And again, her eyes become one of benchmarks that Aishwarya Rai is truly a beautiful woman. But this time was really different, if at this moment her big eyes with blue-green color naturally, making Aishwarya Rai is so beautiful as her eyes linger on its face, on the contrary, She will be recognized by the World as a woman who really beautiful, because She would lose her eyes.

That is, She will donate her beautiful eyes after She died. So, Where will Aishwarya Rai donates her eyes?, She will do it for the Eye Bank Association of India (E.B.A.I), which has a mission to continuously educate general public about preventing blindness caused due to corneal disorders and wherever cure is required facilitate availability of cornea in the shortest possible time.

A decision by Aishwarya Rai who have proved that Eyes-warya Rai is truly a beautiful woman.


  1. I have seen many people think she is so beautiful but she only looks below average when comparing her to other models.

  2. she is pretty but ya many other actresses are prettier then her but she has proven her beautiful heart by donating her eyes....


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