Thursday, July 1, 2010

Look At Emina Cunmulaj Beautiful Face

Maybe some of You already know that She was a model who was discovered by Elite Model Management after becoming a semi-finalist in the Elite Model Look Yugoslavia 2001 contest and winning the Elite Model Look 2001 contest. And in the same year, She signed a contract with Elite. Although She was born in Michigan, United States, but Emina Cunmulaj was a woman, that her parents are Albanian. Notice on her last name, it would sound different from mostly American women.
Emina Cunmulaj Beautiful Face
Emina Cunmulaj (Albanian: Emine Çunmulaj, Montenegrin: Емина Чунмулај, Emina Čunmuljaj) was born on September 12th, 1984 (Emina Cunmulaj on Wikipedia). Could be, her face symbolizes the facial beauty of Albanian women.

Look at Emina Cunmulaj beautiful face on the pic below, of all the facial features that can be seen, Emina Cunmulaj nose shape is one of facial attractiveness which She has. Sometimes, even often, that something attractive is not necessarily beautiful shape. Her triangular cartilage, is looking swell when seen in frontal view. And it increasingly apparent which by coincidence, Emina Cunmulaj was wearing a dark sunglass with white frame.

Then why is attractive?, Emina Cunmulaj has a face that when viewed as a whole is beautiful, despite that She was a model. Then when people look at her face and found that her nose is disproportionate, it should be, people attention will be focused on her nose. How come?, Because of her swollen nose shape would look very different than her other facial features that are more proportional. So, her nose looks different, is Attractive.
Emina Cunmulaj Face, the Cute Look
In general, Emina Cunmulaj beautiful face was influenced by her brown eyes, dark brown hair color, heart face shape (round forehead, wide cheekbones that if drawn down will be pointed at the chin), and smooth jaw bone. And if the horizontal facial length compared to the vertical facial length, then Emina Cunmulaj face is oblong.

Is Emina Cunmulaj's facial expression also caused her face look beautiful?, certainly, look at her eye gaze on top pic, it looked very strong. Resulting in a very elegant visage, collided with her lips feature. Also, it is a magical eye gaze!

Image source: Emina Cunmulaj on Wikimedia. Attributes to: Peter Duhon and Christopher Peterson on Flickr.

1 comment:

  1. emina is special in every kinds of way.

    everything makes her special and of course after all she's ALBANIAN.


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